Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi indonesia
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi indonesia

Penelitian ini menganalisis perkembangan ekspor dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia periode kuartal I 2001 sampai dengan kuartal IV 2015. UK: Pear¬son Education Limited.Ekspor merupakan salah satu faktor terjadinya peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, sejalan dengan hipotesis export-led growth (ELG). “Does Wagner’s Law or the Keynesian Paradigm Hold in the Case of Malaysia”, Thammasat Review, Uni-ver¬sity of Malaya Economics of the Public Sector, 3th Edition. “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Malaysia”, Journal of Economic Development “Causality between Public Expenditure and National Inco-me”, Review of Economics and Statistics Ekonomi Publik untuk Keuangan & Pembangunan Daerah. “Government Expenditure Effect on Economic Growth the Case of Sweden 1960-2001”, Working Paper, World Bank Dalam Kebija-kan Fiskal: Pemikiran, Konsep & Imple-mentasi. Kebijakan Anggaran Pene¬rimaan & Belanja Negara (APBN) Berimbang dan Dinamis. “Why Do More Open Economies Have Bigger Government?”, Journal of Political Economy “Government Size an Economic Growth: A New Framework and Some Evidence from Cross-Section and Time-Series Data”, American Economic Review. Does Optimal Size of Govern-ment Spending Exist?, Universi¬ty of Ljubljana. United States of America: Addi¬son Wesley Publishing Expenditure Composition and Dis¬tortionary Tax for Equitable Econo¬mic Growth, Working Paper, Internatio¬nal Monetary Fund. “Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Fiscal Policies on Long-Run Growth”, Discus-sion Paper TI2002-028/3 (March 2003 version), Tinbergen Institute forth-coming in European Journal of Political Economy. Fiscal Structures and Economic Growth: International Evi-dence, Working Paper, University of Connecti¬cut. Macroeconomics, 6th Edition, New York: Worth Publishers Introduction to Econome¬trics, 3th Edition. Govern-ment “Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evi¬dence from Trivariate Cau¬sality Testing”, Journal of Applied Economics “Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Study”, Southern Economic Journal Ekonomi Pemba-ngunan: Teori, Masalah dan Kebijakan. “Fiscal Policy and Growth: Evidence from OECD Coun¬tries”. Kneller, Richard, Michael Bleaney, and Nor-man Gemmell (1999). Public Finance: A Con¬temporary Application of Theory to Policy, 8th Edition. Economic Growth and the Size & Structure of Government: Implications for New Zealand, Dept. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi IBIIįarmer, R. Makro Eko-nomi Indonesia: Prospek Ekonomi 2008 Perkembangan Terkini 2007. Jakarta: Tim Penyusun Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keua¬ngan Depkeu.ĭwi Sutatmi, Bernadetta (2008). New York: McGraw-Hillĭepartemen Keuangan. “Economic Growth and the Expanding Public Sector: A Reexami¬nation”, Review of Economics and Statis¬tics.ĭamodar, N. “Government Expenditures and Eco-nomic Growth in South Korea: A VAR Approach”, Journal of Economic Develop¬ment.Ĭonte and Darrat (1988). Yogyakarta: BPFE.Ĭheng, Benjamin S and Tin Wei Lai (1997). “Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth”, Journal of Political Economyīoediono, (1982). “Growth, Taxes, and Government Expenditures: Growth Hills for U.S State”, National Tax Journal.īarro, Robert (1990). New York: McGraw-Hillīadan Pusat Statistik.

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi indonesia